1963 Dodge Hustler of Joe Murray [Note: this off site page has many other pics; the '63 is about 1/2 way down the page. The text there says the '63 is a 413, probably it is a 426.]
kellerrace.com featuring a 1962 Max Wedge Dodge and a 1963 Max Wedge Dodge!
NSS mixed years from the Cowtown Mopars Mopar Club -- (includes some post-1965 Mopars. Loooooooong download time from a dial up, so prepare to wait, but good stuff!)
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this section. Paul M. Pitcher provided a great deal of support and photos for earlier versions of this page. Thanks Paul! Other contributors are noted in the appropriate photo section. Thanks, folks!
This is the 31st version of this page: December 7, 2004
Please send suggestions for additions to future versions. Thanks.