based on early '60's Mopar Logo

1962 Golden Lancer

Bill writes:

I have been gathering info on the Golden Lancer for about 2 years.
I've pretty much covered all the bases with the original car. Golden Lancer 413 AIFX 12.26 qtr. - picture source unknown

In 1962, The Drag Masters of Carlsbt California built the Golden Lancer with the help of Mother Mopar. It was raced out west A/FX for a period of about 2 years.

I have all the documents from Hot Rod Magazine, and Motor Sports Magazine. I have also written to the owners of the car but have had no response yet.

Golden Lancer - cloned Currently I am running the Golden Lancer, a clone none the less.
The Mopar currently runs N/SS C.

I've worked on this car for the past 3 years. It was billed at the Mopar Nats last year as a "one of one" car.

Update November 2003

The Lancer went 10.17 at 130.2 at Norwalk for the Chrysler Classic. A few improvements this year should bring the car to 10.0's (new converter, less weight). The car weighs in at 3310 with me in it.

I have had this car since 1991.

It just takes time and (money), one step at a time, to reach your goal.

Update October 2004:

Golden Lancer at the 2004 Chrysler Classic in Pittsburgh, PA.
The Golden Lancer at the 2004 Chrysler Classic in Pittsburgh, PA.

Thanks, Bill!

This Mopar is a great piece of Mopar racing history.

An even greater accomplishment is your bringing the Mopar "back to life" for people to enjoy today! smile!

Gary H.

September 22, 2002; revised September 23, 2002; August 12, 2003; November 12, 2003; October 23, 2004

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