1962 to 1965 Mopar imageo

How to remove an early 1960’s Chrysler
or Mopar interior door window crank handle.

"Truth be told, either a butter knife, table knife, or any piece of thin, flat metal will do. I was able to bend the tip of the butter knife by putting the knife on a sledge hammer, and taking a few wacks at the butter knife with a ball peen hammer. If I could of got the angle closer to 90 degrees it would have been better… but it still worked. If you have a table vice, you probably have better luck. Next you push it in from the right if the handle is a 12 o’clock, or left if the handle is at 6 o’clock -- be sure to insert the knife between the black plastic spacer/washer and the crank itself.

You’ll have to move the handle a little and try to get the knife in the little gap....ya just gotta play with it and it will magically pop off."

early Chrysler

This information was originally posted by 1962 to 1965 Mopar Mail List member Bob (aka Plucked Chicken) who owned a 1962 Chrysler. The excerpt above is a condensed version of the technical tip written by: Bob (aka Plucked Chicken) on May 11, 2009.

Excerpted content used with implied consent. Bob please contact us if you wish this draft page removed.

March 3, 2013

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